Introducing Omaewa Mou Shindeiru Shochu, an intriguing and bold spirit that embodies the distinct flavors of Japan. Crafted from a unique combination of sweet potato and rice, this shochu is distilled and bottled by Mitsutake Shuzo Co., Ltd. in Saga, Japan. With a 24% ABV, this 900 mL shochu offers a smooth yet robust profile, making it a standout among traditional Japanese spirits. Imported by Mutual Trading Co., Inc., this exclusive shochu is perfect for enthusiasts seeking an authentic and daring drinking experience.
Key Features
Type: Shochu
Ingredients: Sweet potato and rice
ABV: 24%
Volume: 900 mL
Origin: Saga, Japan
Distiller: Mitsutake Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Importer: Mutual Trading Co., Inc., El Monte, CA
Tasting Notes
Nose: Deep, earthy aromas with hints of sweet potato and rice.
Palate: Rich and smooth with a well-rounded blend of sweet and earthy flavors.
Finish: Long and satisfying, leaving subtle notes of rice sweetness.
How to Enjoy
Enjoy Omaewa Mou Shindeiru Shochu neat, on the rocks, or diluted with warm or cold water. It pairs excellently with Japanese cuisine such as grilled meats, sushi, or tempura.
What does "Omaewa Mou Shindeiru" mean?
It translates to "You are already dead," a popular phrase that evokes confidence and boldness, much like the character of this shochu.
How is this shochu best served?
It can be enjoyed straight, with ice, or with a splash of water to open up its complex flavors.