Experience a groundbreaking fusion of flavor, brought to you by the harmonious collaboration between Nashville's iconic recording artist KC Johns and the prestigious Cali Distillery. Discover a whiskey that mirrors the captivating essence of KC Johns' country rock music – bold, smooth, and utterly distinctive. As a seasoned veteran of the country music scene, KC Johns infuses her own unique sound, cultivated through extensive U.S. and international tours, dynamic Dollywood stage showcases, and a plethora of soulful performances during years of cruise line engagements, all enriched by her Memphis, Tennessee origins.
THUNDER BOURBON Whiskey, affectionately known as KC Jones, is a testament to KC's discerning taste, personally curating the mesquite smoked notes that make this spirit truly exceptional. Crafted with precision at the renowned Cali Distillery nestled in Gardena, California, THUNDER BOURBON Whiskey marries the richness of KC Johns' music with the artistry of Cali's distillation expertise.
For an in-depth immersion into KC Johns' musical journey, explore her dynamic melodies and story at kcjohns.rocks. Anticipate the arrival of THUNDER BOURBON Whiskey with heightened excitement, as shipping commences in July 2023. Seize the opportunity to revel in this remarkable creation before supplies run out, as the perfect embodiment of KC Johns' spirit and Cali Distillery's craftsmanship awaits your palate.
With the name inspired by the steel strings he has had in his hand for as long as he can remember, Mark hopes that you sit back and remember your favorite song as you sip a glass of this handcrafted Steel String Signature Whiskey.